2024-12-29 16:09:24
![]() ![]() 树立一个楷模有你 You set a model 描绘一份美丽有我 I portray a beauty 抒发一种情怀有你 You express a feeling 展示一方风采有我 I show the glamour of oneplace 天涯何处有我们的背影 Our footprints can be foundeverywhere 风雨兼程中我们放飞彩虹 We let the rainbow fly in thewind and rain 我们共祝愿 Let us bless together 共勉励 Encourageeach other 为强大的祖国书写更璀璨的华章 Write a more brilliantchapter for a powerful motherland 本文来源:公益在线责任编辑: |